Wednesday, May 13, 2020

CoderZ Stole My Points

I had 7 levels left to complete in the Python Gym and I would have completed all 4 courses of CoderZ.  It was not for lack of trying that I could not get those last levels.  I spent over 4 hours on one, but every time I clicked on run to test my program, CoderZ would lock up and I would have to log out and log back in to make changes.  I let the engineers at Intelitek know and they "fixed" it.  They really did make everything better, but in the process they made it so teachers do not earn points for doing levels. I logged in today and competed a level before realizing my 37500 points were gone - oh, so close: ( 

Also, on a side note about wearing masks to prevent the spread of Covid-19.  I see a lot of stupid people on TV that do not understand this pretty simple concept.  Masks do not protect the wearer from getting a virus, they help prevent a person from spreading a virus. Short of a full MOPP-IV suit that we wear in the military, the masks that you wear do not filter the air you are breathing in, it stops the air you are breathing out from traveling as far as it would without a covering. An N95 mask they wear in the ICU wards in a hospital filters out 95% of the airborne particles, not 100%. So, every medical worker puts their lives at risk taking care of people that did not follow the rules.
Washing your hands is still the best way to protect yourself, but wearing a mask blocks the spread of particulates when you talk, cough or sneeze. Many people are not showing symptoms when they are at a contagious stage and go out into public places spreading the virus while they feel perfectly healthy. 
California has done a great job at keeping our contagion numbers down, as of 6 pm on 5/13 we have about 40 million people living in California and had over 1 million people tested. Of those 73,000 were confirmed to have been infected with Covid-19. Right now only 7.3% of Californians that were tested ended up having the virus, that is only 0.18% of the total population because of how quickly we were told to shelter in place.  Please keep it up, if we keep our numbers low, the hospitals can do a better job keeping up and saving our lives.  

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